Friday, December 17, 2010

Tissue, please?

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard... i will never forget you guys, thank you for some of the most amazing experiences of my life

So this has been one depressing weekend and it's just beginning. Wednesday we had our graduation ceremony with a slide show as well. It was a time to think about everything we've been through and it made me appreciate what wonderful people I met here. I will never forget them.

Later that evening we had dinner out as a group at the same restaurant we started our adventures at. It was perfect. After dinner a lot of us went out and it was one of the best nights here, before I knew it they were announcing it was closing and it was time to go home (a lot like my time here, it's gone by too fast!)

Next thing I knew I was giving hugs and watching tears drop... everyone was circulating through the apartment complex the next evening saying goodbye. About 7 people left at 5am, including my amazing roommate Kassidy. I have faith that one day I'll see her again, she is truly something special! I love her :)

Round two of goodbyes hit me in the face this afternoon. One after another came to say goodbye and then sure enough we all walked them down the street for their airport pick-up. It was sad and long drawn goodbye and for quote: "I have to go get in the bus, I'm leaking!" Tears were everywhere.

More girls leave tonight and so on. I'm basically the last one to leave. I leave Monday afternoon, but I am on the same flight as two of my friends so I'm grateful for that. I'm excited to go home and see my family but this has been horribly difficult and it will only get worse. To any of my GLS people reading, you have been truly lovely. I will never forget you, I'm so grateful to have been a part of this experience with you. All the best...


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