Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cyprus gets an A+ for winter festivities

I just had the most wondeful day and it's only 4PM. I woke up and went to downtown Nicosia to do some last minute shopping with a big group of friends, the 10 or so people left. We did some walking about together and then split off and I was just with my roommates Stephanie & Shami, and my other friend Alexis.

I ran over to the supermarket before we caught the bus. It was filled with Christmas decore and music playing and then sure enough they put up a cinnabon right outside Carrefour. I was so excited, gathered up enough change and bought one. Took it to the bus stop and enjoyed my treat until my friends joined me and it was time to go.

It's the perfect weather! I can bundle up (you know wear a scarf with my tank top, and at times my northface if I'm in the shade) and it's wonderful! Everyone else is completely bundled up but it’s great because it’s cold but still sunny.

There are Christmas decorations EVERYWHERE. Its amazing and so many Santas on the streets, one Santa even gave me a chocolate bar! Couldn't read the Turkish writing but I'm excited. There are lights lining all the streets and music everywhere. Last night we watched a school group of little kids in Santa hats singing Jiggle Bells in Greek, it was way too cute. Last night was rather perfect as well, a light sprinkle of rain so the street were wet with Christmas lights everywhere with live music.

I've been taking pictures and videos but I can't upload them until later. Just wanted to share my excitement for the holidays and Cyprus. It's probably one of the most festive places I've been during the holidays. I was surprised on the North side there were even Santa’s, for a small population of Christians that’s pretty awesome.

On another note, I need everyone to pray, cross your fingers or just do what you do... I need to get home for Christmas. I'm supposed to get home on the 21st of December. However, all my friends who left and went to Heathrow, London (exactly where my layover is in three days) are stuck there for at least 1 day if not more. The weather is terrible and the snow won't stop. A lot of public transportation in general is shut down. So please, positive thoughts for all my friends stuck there and pray for me to get home before Christmas, it's going to be one long adventure to say the least!


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