Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I want!

Just a number of things I've been longing for:

- A bagel and cream cheese*
- Vietnamese food
- Arby's
- Subway!
- Taco Shop
- Inn n out
- Being able to read my groceries
- A washer and dryer
- My puppy

yeah that’s about it for right this second. I would give anything for a bagel and cream cheese right now.

Oh and - to hug my family :)

I'm going to miss so many things about being here, especially after I enjoy a short break away from it, and that break will never end. I'm going to miss my roommates like crazy, my classes (weird I know), the night life here and silly stories, swimming in the Mediterranean, spending 70 euro and being in a different country, gyros/gyromania, Brick Yard, knowing I have 29 close friends only a second away at any moment, appreciating a simple hello or a post card like it is gold, the Cypriot and other European friends I've made, crossing the border and getting a completely different culture within seconds, feeling special because I'm an American, enjoying long skype dates and having lots of extra time to do so, so much attention on my blue eyes.

Buuuut I won't miss men staring at me & making kitty cat noises so I look over at them (not on purpose), using the euro, especially paying 15 euro to go to a club, the language barrier, missing my friends and family back at home & feeling totally out of the loop of everything (you would be surprised how nice a simple hello felt, however if you're reading this you've probably been one of my friends/family to keep in touch), terrible internet & no tv.

Cyprus has been amazing to me and today I said my first real goodbyes and it hit me like a wall... let me tell you it was as painful as it sounds. I've been focused on getting done with finals and being with family for the holidays and I lost sight of what I'm leaving behind. People from all over the world have touched me in ways I could have never predicted and quite literally changed who I am. I will be forever grateful for this experience. And I want to offer a sincere thank you to everyone who kept in touch, especially during the times I was bored in my apartment or missing huge memorable college events or feeling just a tad-bit lonely. You people made a difference and a direct impact on my time abroad, some people surprised me on both ends of the spectrum. So, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the little time you've got over there, girl! I still hope you update this after you get home with some random photos and stories, just for fun.
    Reading your blog has been such an adventure on its own - I can't believe how addicted I am to reading this!
    Stay in touch!
