Friday, December 24, 2010

My story book ending...

I'm home!!!

My flight from NY was on time and at 10:30am on Christmas Eve I was in the arms of my mom and sister. Sure enough I was headed up the stairs and there Nicole was watching everyone go by, watching for her little sister. I had so many emotions at that moment I can't even begin to explain.

I survived my flights getting cancelled Monday. Tuesday I got news British Airways couldn't get me home until December 28th and within hours I bought 3 tickets home to Seattle with EgyptAir & Delta. Tuesday night I spent 24 hours in the airport, took a 1.5 hour flight to Egypt, 14 hours in Cairo, 12 hour flight to NY, 16 hour layover & a painful 6 hour flight home to end my journey.

I didn't think I would be one to go through all this but now that it is all over, I'm proud of myself and so grateful for the people in my life. My mom was there for me when I needed there, Kameron helped me find flights when I had no help in the states because it was the middle of the night, and once I started my journey my friends were incredible. I could not have done what I did without you guys.

Although the last five days of my trip weren't in the least bit pleasant, I don't want to take away from my 4 months abroad. I will never forget my trip and surely I won't forget my struggle home. It made me realize how important family is. I love my family more than anything in the world.

So here it is, I traveled to 10 foreign countries over a period of 6 months while I was 21 and in college to arrived home on Christmas Eve in order to receive the most loving hugs I've ever felt.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a great day and a Happy New Year!


PS: For everyone who was wondering, Nicole & I got our Santa picture taken for the 22nd time today. We went straight from the airport, me in my traveling clothes and without a shower in way too long, but mom got her one and only Christmas wish. Merry Christmas Mom, I love you.

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