Sunday, December 19, 2010

This one's for me... 6 month re-cap

Somehow I’ve been blessed to travel to 10 foreign countries & 5 continents in the last 6 months. (Australia, New Zealand, Germany, England, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey & Egypt) Every day I try to figure out how I got here, sure I could break it down to the logistics of timing and money and numerical figures but it’s so much more than that. My family, friends, professors and everyone I’ve been able to meet helped me to become the person I am today with the drive to travel the world, quite literally. So, to you, thank you.

Friends have already started to ask, “what was your favorite place?” and I don’t know how to handle that loaded question. Do I answer it by telling you the place I had the most fun (Spain), or where I had the best cultural experience (Egypt), the most beautiful place (Greece) or the place I truly found myself (Turkey)… & the quest goes on. So for myself I’m going to look back on each place…

“Australia: Favorite place to live.” I studied in the outback for 3 weeks and had the opportunity to chase wild kangaroos, sing camp fire songs with aboriginal people, & participate in my first international art gallery experience. After school I traveled with my best friend to 4 incredible cities where I danced with kangaroos, laughed until I cried, dove in the Great Barrier Reef, danced all night with Aussies in Cairns, climbed the Sydney Harbor Bridge and gazed at the Sydney Opera House. The people were the most caring, respectable, chill people I’ve met. Each city had their own manner but as a whole they were the most entertaining and enjoyable people to grab a beer with and kick back to enjoy life for what it is.

“New Zealand: Favorite place to do something crazy” Now good old New Zealand was not so sweet to me. The weather ruined our plans to base jump and raft with glow worms in caves; however, it was a reminder to me that anything is possible (if it’s not windy and raining haha). Truly though, I was prepared to do things I never thought possible for myself. I didn’t experience nearly anything of what New Zealand had to offer, especially not going to the south island. I need to go back. But I tell you what, Tiffany and I had a blast! One of the most memorable events there was a pub crawl we took part in (an event in which you pay a fee, get a band that gets you into all the bars you go to and one free drink at each place and the entire group, 100+ people bar hop all night). I met incredible people from literally all over the world; Ireland, England, Whales, etc. and it makes you realize how alike people can be and even though it was for only one night I know I will remember some of those people late into my life.

“Germany: Favorite place to start my European journey ” Germany was incredible and special because I made the trip to stay with a friend that I grew up with. This amazing girl has been in my life for over 10 years and I got to spend time with her in her new home, with her newlywed husband and she really let me into her life. She took me out with her 2 girlfriends, also army wives, and I was given a night out to drink and enjoy myself. It was a reminder of my youth and how I’m single with endless opportunity. It let me see how the married life looks from someone outside of my family with was refreshing and I am so happy for Kristen & Ben. They took me to spectacular castles & we raced about on the autobahn. Germany was honestly too cute and Heidelberg was my favorite! Cute little cobblestone streets

“England: Favorite place to be a tourist” London was everything I thought it would be. Kristen and I didn’t have much time there but we made the best of it. I got to see every famous place you see in the movies and it was surreal. It was a place in which I couldn’t really believe I was there. The first night we were somewhat aimlessly walking along the water and then we looked up and realized both the London Eye and Ben Big were right in front of us, truly unreal. I had a blast and don’t even get me started about the art. I was a little kid in a candy shop when it came to all the remarkable art galleries there. I was also able to meet up and stay with a friend that I met studying in Australia. She was way too kind and I love that I got to see her, meet her roommate and feel so welcomed by both of them.

“Cyprus: Favorite experience” Cyprus is home. A part of me will always remain here. I have an apartment with wonderful roommates, I have my market and favorite stores, I navigate on the city busses, I’ve experienced the night life, went to school and made local friends and it’s simply become home. I sympathize toward the division of the country. I hope to spread awareness about the hostility and current divide with my photography and stories. For such a small island it can seem endless but I did make it to Aphrodite’s Rock on the south, Ayia Napa in the east (favorite place on the island) and Kerynia in the NW. I’ve come to an understanding with both the Greek and Turkish culture. I can’t say I like everything about it (cough men cough) but I understand it and there is something I really envy and I hope that certain parts of their culture travels back with me. It’s truly a beautiful place to live and visit, I love Cyprus.

“Greece: Favorite place for beauty” I made two trips to Greece, one with school & one with a friend to Rhodes. Athens was a place to experience the Acropolis and shop in Plaka but it was actually fairly dirty and rundown. However, after a crazy ferry hopping adventure I traveled with 4 good friends to a few islands outside on the mainland and also Poseidon’s temple another night and those were without a doubt some of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. The islands felt untouched with minimal tourist activity and the clearest water I’ve ever seen. Porros Island was my first experience swimming in the Mediterranean and I will never forget it. Poseidon’s temple at sunset was without a doubt the most romantic and beautiful thing I’ve experienced; just stunning. Rhodes as a trip itself was so fulfilling. The people were a part of something so much bigger than themselves, so kind and helpful; a real strong sense of an island community. I rode a donkey to the acropolis of Rhodes above the beach & hiked a mountain through butterfly valley, what’s cooler than that?

“Italy: Favorite place to have seen” Italy was a whirlwind as I saw Rome, Pisa, Florence & Venice in a matter of days. I was blessed to see all the main places with my own two eyes. I was able to see art upon art that I’ve sat in a lecture room learning about for hours. My experience was a lot of getting to a place, taking it in, doing tourist pictures and getting to the next place. I feel completely blessed to see everything I did. My favorite spots were at the Trevi fountain & the Pantheon as I chose to revisit them, sit down by myself and really taken in the beauty and history. I can’t speak about Italy and not say anything about Gusto pizza because there isn’t a day that doesn’t go by that I want that pizza and it doesn’t help Tiffany lives 2 minutes from there. Pisa & Venice were just like the movies and I loved it there! Wish I had more time…

“Spain: favorite place for fun” and oh, did I have fun! I will never, ever forget my experiences in Barcelona this summer. We showed up on the Friday that La Merce celebrations began; an annual event. Our walking tour of the city was overcome by the events and people and I did not mind one bit. At night only 4 of us went out but we met up with our friend Kirby who we met in Greece and he invited us out with him since he was living in Barcelona. We quickly fell into his group of friends from all over the world and I was just one among thousands. I danced and sang during one of the best concerts I’ve ever been to as it started to pour on the thousands of people in attendance on the first night. The second night was filled with everything from a park overlooking the entire city, to fireworks on the beach to dodging fireworks during the parade. I’ve never had an experience quite like Barcelona but in constantly reminded of Barcelona and the good times I had there.

“Turkey: favorite place for self-discovery” I went to both Istanbul and Olympos Valley. Istanbul is this huge city with ancient history and an attractiveness that is undeniable. The Blue Mosque was so calming and the glass work was unbelievable. I had children that were so intrigued by my presence. They would snap pictures of me and shake my hand, refusing to let go. They asked me where I was from and their sweet little voices would reply, “ooooh! Amer-riiiii-ca!” at they would light up. I still can’t get over it. They were so innocent and curious. Olympos was nothing short from life changing. It gave me time to reflect, write and sketch for hours a day. I could break from that to swim in the crystal clear water or hike to ruins from 70 BC or head back to my tree house for tea and a nap in the hammock. Talk about complete bliss…

“Egypt: Favorite cultural experience” I went with Tiffany it was such a hoot. I remember the first night, just ten minutes after being there laughing uncontrollably until I had tears running down my face after joking with Tiffany and the hostel owner and that was just the beginning. The pyramids by camel, dinner cruise on the Nile, the Citadel, Coptic Cairo, the Bazaar, night time horseback trip into the Sahara, it was flawless. And the culture, where do I even begin. I’ve never been so self-aware, and I mean that as a positive discovery. Physically I am a 21 year old female with light skin and blue eyes and I was reminded of that every step I took. Culturally, I am a free, blessed American that has full owner ship of my body and my life. Not everyone in the world can say that, actually not many in the world can say that. I come from a very blessed and free place, sure I may not agree with a lot of things in America but I still have way more freedom than some people could ever imagine. The people there were so kind, I would walk pretty much and where and people would greet me with a big smile, “Welcome to Egypt!” You would see people riding donkeys, riding in the back of trucks on top of a full load of cargo, running through the streets on their horse… we’re all people and we’re all going somewhere in life and so long as you’re happy, what other concerns truly matter. The people seemed honestly happy. People there didn’t need much but they sure seemed to make the most of what they did have. They may envy me but you know what, there are qualities they have that I can only dream of obtaining.

The more I think about it the most I realize I was most attracted to the people I met and interacted with through my travels. Everyone is culturally different but we are all human. In Australia we gave little aboriginal girls crayons to color with and they lit up with joy, much like the children in Turkey or Egypt, just simple little things brought them so much happiness. I feel like I’ve gained such a respect for other cultures and people that have different values and standards that I. I’ve learned so much through all of my travels, I’ve become more independent and I have a broader world view.

One of my favorite quotes: “I’ve always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up”. To anyone who had any doubt I couldn’t do what I did, I hope I surpassed your expectations. I’d like to share that I only lost one tank top, never got pick-pocked, never missed a plane or means of transport, never really got lost and didn’t have any big mishaps, not too shabby if I do say so myself. I’m pretty proud of myself and how I handled all this traveling.

…I’m truly at a loss for words about this entire experience; it has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. This experience has changed my life and made me a much better person without a doubt. I can’t say it enough but I appreciate everyone who has supported me in anyway and I feel so incredibly blessed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to follow my blog, through conversations with friends and family I’m learning about many individuals that have been following my blog with me being aware. It makes me so happy to hear about this. Being able to share my experiences has helped me reflect, show my appreciation and share with the people that mean the most to me. Keep in touch & I can’t wait to give all my love when I get home, it’s been a long time coming!

Your world traveler headed home...

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