Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!

In exactly 12 hours I will be hanging our show and I couldn't be more excited! The plan is for about 5 of us to help our professors tomorrow morning. We'll hang the show and talk to some local media, both the newspaper and tv crews. We'll also have our camera crew back to document this process in the morning and the opening.

It seems like the opening is going to be quite the show! All twenty students are showing one picture from the trip; mine in particular is a 16x20 (on a 20x24 canvas) B&W (4x5) digital print.

Neil, our main coordinator, will officially kick off the opening around 6pm. Peter, our aboriginal guide and dear friend, will also be in attendance to speak to the public. He will be bringing a didgeridoo player and three female aboriginal dancers to perform as well. I can't wait to see whats in store, crossing my fingers for a good turn out!

Today was so nice... Free day! We finished everything Wednesday so today turned into a free day. The weather was gorgeous so I went running by the river again, did laundry and started packing up. Such a relaxed day, the rest of my time was spend finishing my journal for the program and hanging out in the common room, I just might have taken a nap out there as well ;)

Mom and Grandma: Dinner last night was SOOO good! I wish I could have shared. Geoff, who learned to cook from Stefano di Pieri's family & who is one of our cooridnators as well, came to our hostel and cooked us homemade risotto and a meat pasta. With a delicious glass of red wine, is was perfection.

In all this excitement I'm sure I'll have some good stories soon enough; however, it might be awhile. Sat morning we're "up" at 3am, still debating whether to sleep or not. At 4 our greyhound bus leaves and drives 2 hours to the train station and we go my train the rest of the way to Mildura. We'll drop our stuff at the hotel/hostel and I get special treatment, hehe! Darren, whom I have been speaking to, will take myself and one other student to Melbourne's Center for Creative photography! YEY! Then we'll rush over to meet the group at a footie game. It's supposed to be the biggest game of the season with an estimated 80,000 people in attendance so I'm pretty excited. Sat night is up in the air, but Sunday morning rise and shine because miss Tiffany is here! Adventures I tell you, adventures!

Hope all is well in WA, AZ, FL and everywhere else you might be!
Wish me luck tomorrow, it will be a big night for me to say the least.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, keep up the good work..Just don't hike too much, your little feet will be very sad:(..hahhaah
