Thursday, July 8, 2010

Made it to Australia!!!! (30+ hours later)

Hi friends and family, I made it to Melbourne, Australia no problems.... okay thats a lie but I made it! haha I flew seattle to salt lake to lax to Brisbane (13.5hr) to Melbourne.... over 35 hours of traveling!

Traveling was either a crazy run to try to make things happen or a boring time killer. I met an lady from Australia in Salt Lake and she was great! Gave me tips and helped me with cities names (mel-bin & cans). The two people I sat next to on my long flight were awesome! The guy to my left was a middle-aged Australian and the girl to my right was a study abroad student. The guy gave me great tips, for example, "make sure to wear a rain jacket if you hold a wide kola", I giggled and said okay, why? He just laughed and said oh, you'll find out. The girl next to me ended up being on my flight to Melbourne so we struggled through terminal changes, customs and security together. The Australians around us must have noticed we were in a hurry (our layover was way too short) because multiple Aussies helped me with my bags and I'd thank them generously and their response was always an Aussie, "No problem, just enjoy your trip!". Anyone who saw us literally running to our terminal must have laughed. Sweating and panting at our gate the gentleman taking the tickets looked me up and down and said, just come from an international flight? it was pretty funny and an adventure to say the least.

Today I spent my day sightseeing and walking the city streets for hours. It was such a eye-opening experience. No cell phone, my cameras and just me. I walked multiple "walking tours", adventured to other places, watched magic shows, listened to live music and just took in the city as much as possible.

My hotel is right in the heart of the city. I walk down to the ground floor and its shops, diners, banks, you name it. It funny, there are McDonald's, KFC, Subway and even KrispyKream (sp?) and I also could hear a lot of popular music in many of the shops (Danny Kesha was even playing for me haha).

Well I believe this post is long enough, just know I made it safe and I've already taken in so much Melbourne has to offer. OH! and I forgot, the city is SO multicultural! Its unbelievable and I love it. I don't seem like an outsider until I speak ;)



  1. Matt said David Guetta and Kesha were pretty big there especially at the clubs lol

  2. Yayyyy! Glad everything's going well. I remember the way they pronounce city names. It's hard to say Cairns with an American accent haha. I was called a 'Yank' a good many times too :) Enjoy!
