Monday, July 12, 2010

First ROO I saw was dead.... of course that would happen to me!

Alright, so Saturday we left Melbourne with our destination of Mildura in sight. We left our hotel by 9am sharp, loaded our beautiful charter bus. Everyone had their own pair of seats and an ipod plugged in. Our instructors had a surprise for us - "dogs eye for lunch!". What's dogs eye you might ask? Dogs eye = meat pie, and in this situation it meant we were having lamb sandwiches with salad for lunch. We pulled into the tiny little pub bursting with character. It was tiny and in the middle of nowhere, but the couple that ran the place we delighted we were there. Again, can't wait to post pictures of this place, there were so many random signs and things inside the pub. We were treated to our lamb sandwiches with a fresh green salad and it was delicious. I really enjoyed it. She also brought out homemade lemon bars and cookies with tea and coffee. We felt right at home in this little place, minus the spider webs everywhere but they seemed to just be part of the pub. Oh mom & dad, the place smelled just like grandpa's old farm - it was unreal. We walked the town, for a lack of a better word, to see a few homes and yet another dead ROO!

Okay, so as we left the hotel I was on a serious kangaroo watch! Sure enough I saw one..... one dead on the side of the road being eaten by two birds. I couldn't believe it. OOOH but that wasn't all, on our little walk we found another dead one. So not how I wanted to see my first kangaroos! (that was fixed today, tue, but still). We got back on the bus for another hour or two until we stopped for a bus change. I guess the last group's bus broke down and thats why we had the nice bus. They dropped us off in another small town where we went adventuring and took some fun group pictures. We had a good time and then all of a sudden "the bus" pulled in. Not sure if I should call it a downgrade or an amazing upgrade.... ;) Lets just say there wasn't a open seat in the house, we became real good friends and hold your breath if anyone hit the seat cause a dust cloud was to follow!

So we left at 9am and got to our backpacker's (aka hostel) by 7pm, a real long day again. We picked roommates in a quick shuffle and I absolutely love my roommates. I'm rooming with Ariell (from UA), Megan (who already graduated with a degree in Bio) and MollyAnn (senior just like me, very sweet!). We have two sets of bunk beds, that squeak and sway but they work. We ran off for some quick dinner, a stop at the grocery store, showers and bed by 10:30pm.

Mildura, where we're staying and studying, is a small town along the Murray River. It was founded and planned by two guys from Canada who were brought out from the California gold rush. It's rather small but with access to the river, it's still an important town. The water way was the only way people got to and from this area until the railway and later roads were built.

Our hostel is in walking distance to the main town square that is fitted with everything from cute little clothes shops, to McDonalds (Free Wifi) to the grocery store. At night we have to walk in groups for sure, which we do anyways, but its a pretty good location overall.

I <3 Mildura

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