Sunday, July 4, 2010

3 more nights in the USA

Happy 4th of July everyone!

I've spent my day packing, charging batteries and testing film. I only have a 3 days before I leave (icky rainy) Seattle, WA and then its off to LAX to Brisbane and down south to Melbourne. I've been pretty stressed out with packing/planning and paper work details but I just got to talk to my good friend Matt who is currently in Australia. He put all that stress in perspective and I'm so excited to get there! Matt said, "I don't want to leave.... ever!". It was cute, even though I don't doubt he was fairly serious!

We'll I hope everyone is having a great day, if you didn't see you can "follow my blog" and I believe it emails you when I post something new... might be something to consider!

Love you all and thanks for following - I'm excited to share my experiences!

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