Monday, July 12, 2010

Sightseeing in Melbourne & meeting my class

Hello family & friends! I'm still alive, sorry its been awhile. We've been crazy busy and internet isn't everywhere like in the states. I'll just try to update you about what I've been up to since I last wrote on here.

So the next morning I grabbed breakfast by myself at a cute little shop and went back to check out of my (NICE) hotel room. As I was checking out my group showed up! It worked out perfectly. There are 20 people in my class (4 guys, the rest girls, ages 19-24). Our two main instructors are hilarious. Two men that never really grew up and enjoy the Aussie spirit, with a drink or 10 normally! We got checked into our room and I shared my dorm style room with Julieann and Caitie. Both of the girls were awesome, but we were only in that room for one night.

That day we went down to the lobby and enjoyed pizza and drinks while some of the La Trobe University staff talked to us about various things and then we were off to see the city. We walked down to the main quare, where the day before I listened to some great live music and relaxed in the sun. That day wasn't as nice weather wise, pretty overcast and chilly. I didn't realize how lucky I was, weather wise, my first day until now. But anyways, we went into an art gallery and saw some aboriginal art. There were many large scale paintings, and quite gorgeous at that. I really enjoyed all the art in there. Next adventure was the free trolly. Melbourne has a lot of trollys and they are huge, and seem to be a great way of transportation. However, did I mention we took the free trolly? All 20 of us packed on, standing room only. I was pretty crowded, little did I know I had a lot of space then. People kept packing on at every stop! I couldn't see a thing, well except the asian man's armpit in front of me.... long story short, I lived and we all got a giggle out of it. Next stop was an inspiring coblestone alley with some contemporary street art. I can't wait to post pictures. The walls were so colorful and filled with different subjects and interests, things aren't sensored in the same way as the states here and I love it. After a quick stop at our hotel we took a walk to the South Bank, which is along the water way and absolutely gorgeous. We ate at The Blue Train that overlooked the water. I was a really nice and upscale restuarant. After the long walk home and some pictures with the girls, we showered and hit the hay by 8:30pm!

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