Thursday, August 5, 2010

Roo Poo Shoes

Hello everyone! :)

Tiffany and I are on the move again, currently sitting in the Adelaide airport. I didn’t write much the other day so I’ll fill the gaps. In Melbourne we stayed right by the main transport hub and at 3am we headed over there and got a shuttle to the airport. Everything went well there and we sent off Louie. After the short ride, we jumped on some public transportation into the city (Adelaide). By that time we had Louie back and we walked through the main square to get to our hostel.

This hostel (Hostel 109 in Adelaide) was the best one I’ve stayed in so far. The gentleman who owns the place was so helpful. Marked all kinds of things on a map for us, showed us to our room and gave us a tour of the place. We got settled and headed out to the market around 9am. This being Australia, people don’t work very long on Sunday’s so most everything was closed. We picked up some sandwich stuff and went back to the hostel to plan.

After lunch, it was off to Mt Lofty! We hopped on a bus that took us to a park and ride just below the summit. Being stubborn, or smart (however you want to see it) we decided not to wait an hour for the connecting bus and walk up the rest of the mountain (a little under 3km). There were some beautiful views all the way up. Mt Lofty basically overlooks the city and the water in one direction and green rolling hillsides in the other direction. We finally got to the outlook and I was amazed. You could see for days; green hills, city skyscrapers, suburbs, Kangaroo Island, and the ocean. It was stunning.

Just a few k’s down was the Cleland Wildlife Park… aka: the best place on earth. This wildlife park is a host to all of Australia’s iconic animals. It’s not designed like a zoo, but rather you are able to walk into their football field sized cages. I’m pretty convinced the 3 AUD I paid for animal food at the park is the best 3 dollars I’ve ever spent. The first kangaroo I saw I crept up to in order not to scare it away, which is hilarious looking back on. These animals are so tame and know you have food for them. Towards the end the roos were hopping to us!

I fed all three types of kangaroos and swamp wallabies. I saw a Tasmanian devil, a lot of birds, emus, “rat things” (forget their actual names cause that’s the only thing I called them), dingoes and other animals as well. I also got my picture next to a koala and pet him! It was such an adventure and I have so many other little stories from that adventure.
We called it an early night after dinner in order to have a full day yesterday. We started our day by walking the city. Took the free city bus to multiple art museums and Adelaide’s botanical gardens, grandma and Boyd would have loved both these venues.

Our next adventure was to Glenelg, which is like their seaside. We took the tram south to the beach. Because it’s winter here, there weren’t very many people but that didn’t stop us from touching the freezing cold water and walking up and down the shop alleys.

Once we got back to the city we went to a hotel/bar that was recommended to us by a local. It was such a great place to go and free entertainment to say the least. We enjoyed that and did a little research back in our room, yey for free wifi!

This morning was a trek in the rain, through the city, and onto the city bus but we made it to the airport no problem. Next stop is Cairns and I couldn’t be more excited… SUNSHINE! It should be so nice up there and finally warm!

Kayla, my roo poo shoes and Louie 

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