Thursday, August 5, 2010

Diving the Great Barrier Reef

I had the most amazing day yesterday! Boat ride, snorkeling, diving, nightlife...

We had our big outing on the reef yesterday! We were on a huge boat that had a large seating area down stairs, more seating outside in the back, and a huge deck up front for tanning and enjoying the ride. After signing my life away, we were off! Took some questionable little ginger pills to prevent seasickness and I actually did pretty good, just stayed outside to get plenty of fresh air.

On the boat ride out we enjoyed the ride and learned about diving. I was pretty nervous about diving especially because the first time I ever went snorkeling it was pretty overwhelming. I got put into the fourth group of divers (4 ppl per group, 11 groups, plus ppl just snorkeling) so about two hours later we were at the first reef location and I went straight to snorkeling. A little nervous I dove right in and I will never forget my first image of the Great Barrier Reef… fish of all colors all around me, teal blue water, gorgeous coral, white sand… it was incredible.

I got about 30 minutes of snorkeling in before I got called back for my dive. They put a waistband of weights on me and my huge tank on with everything I might need; it was so heavy I needed help standing up! I’m sure you can all picture it… everyone stand up and head out, then little Kayla sitting there rocking her body trying to get up, wiggling her legs until a big Aussie grabs the back of my pack and my feet hit the ground. Oh Kayla Dawn…

So I got in off the back of the boat and met an instructor below water, trying so hard to breathe and not panic. We had to pass a few safety checks on the latter and then it was off! Tiffany couldn’t get used to the breathing piece so it was just my instructor, I, and two others on the dive. Every meter we went down was about the same pressure you feel landing in an airplane; I quickly learned how to pop my ears underwater. After all the scary details and freaking out was over, I was really diving in the Great Barrier Reef. It’s so much different than snorkeling. You’re completely surrounded by the ocean, fish swimming everywhere, the corral… ah again, I will never forget it.We dove for about 40 minutes, which seemed like no time when you’re in shock of the entire situation. No sea turtles, but a group did see a shark!

At the second location, after our Aussie BBQ with shrimp and meat and pasta and fruit (you get the picture, good lunch!) we hopped in the water to hang out with Wally! Wally is a blue and green fish that likes to act like a dog! He was longer than my body and just massive. The cruise line always feeds him and he loves people. We all pet him and at one point I was basically on top of him, unreal I tell you!

If you’re wondering, I took a lot of underwater pictures! I just couldn’t take it on my dive because we went too deep.

The cruise was such a highlight of this trip. We sunbathed and napped on the way back (2 hours ride back) and then hung out with a lot of the crew which was fun. (Matt if you’re reading, this place makes me think of you all the time and if not just the location I kept meeting guys named Matt! Two on the cruise alone… thinking of you!)

After a quick shower we went to go see what this free meal was about. It ended up being an awesome deal and a great place. We get meal cards for a free dinner at this local pub (Woolshed’s) and if you want to upgrade to steak or something more pricey you pay 5, 7, or 8 dollars to upgrade. I enjoyed my fish and chips and then we grabbed an ice cream to kill time, well and because it’s delicious, before we went out.

Thursday night = lady’s night! We quickly met some friends and joined a party at Woolsheds for free beer and pizza. We stayed with them (an Aussie, a French guy and a Canadian lady) and headed over to Gilligan’s. This place was ridiculous and I mean that in the best way. I’ve never seen a… club/pub place so huge. We kept meeting people from all over the world… guys from Ireland, a couple from Germany, and even a footie team from Sydney (and so on).
I’ve met some pretty remarkable people on my trip. The Australian hospitality is unreal. I hope to take a part of this hospitality with me to the states and a little bit of all these wonderful people as well.

Other than that, we’re just going to keep on keepin’ on. Today were hanging out by the (croc-filled) waters edge and the lagoon, hopefully getting a tan on my very white skin! Later we’re hopping on a sunset cruise around Cairns and unfortunately we have to leave tomorrow to head to Sydney. I don’t want to leave at all. If and when I get the money to travel after school and all my loans I know exactly where I’m coming.


Until next time,
Cheers mate!

Ps: still fighting a cold! This cough won’t go away and nitequil is running low, I guess it’s off to the chemist again (aussie pharmacy!)

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