Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2:45am wake up call, Hello New Zealand!

After still going to bed early, 2:45am still came way too early. We caught a cab and headed out to the airport with Louie and everything else. It was weird actually leaving Australia, pretty sad but I don’t think it really hit me because we were jumping right over to New Zealand. I should have slept on my flight but for some reason I chose to stay up, watch a movie and eat the free breakfast they served us. I watched Chloe, which was kind of a weird movie, and then some of Exit Through the Gift Shop.

I don’t think I wrote about this movie, Exit Through the Gift Shop, A Bansky Film, was a movie we went to in Mildura and I loved it! If you didn’t know, Bansky is a street artist that hides his identity and is known for some pretty outrageous stuff such as hanging his own art in the Louvre and illegal street art all over the world. It’s a completely ridiculous movie and not what I was expecting but I loved it and recommend it to everyone.

Anyways, should have slept and I didn’t… whoops! We got into the city via the bus right before a parade started. We got checked in and our place which is pretty nice (for a hostel of course). Hot shower and warm room, not too much to complain about minus the fact the light doesn’t work in the shower… thanks for that flash light grandparents! Haha

We dropped off our stuff and hit the streets on foot by 11:30am or so. We walked all over the city and into some shops. Auckland is much smaller than the other cities have been and it didn’t take long for me to wish I had more time here and more time to travel to the south island. New Zealand has so much to offer outside of its cities, so much adventure and outdoors stuff. By oh, 3pm we were wondering if it was acceptable to go to bed yet. Instead we walked a little more, did our grocery shopping (meals are way too expensive out) and took our showers… I’ve officially made it to 8pm! However now that I’ve written my last three blogs it’s time for me to sleep! Goodnight everyone, see you soon enough ; )

No longer our Aussie traveler (sniffle sniffle),

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