Monday, October 18, 2010

What a girl will do for a package...

So I was just going to email my mom this story but I think its kind of hilarious and hopefully not a "you had to be there" moment....

So mom couldn't help but tell me she sent me a package and I got home from Rhodes late last night, got 4 hours of sleep, went to pilates and then it was time to get stuff done. I walked over to the GLS office where my package was sent to find out I had to go to the post office (main one) near downtown to pick it up. He said it was about a 45-50 min walk. Being my stubborn self and wanting my package SOOOO bag, I went straight home, put my running shoes one, made a terrible map with the Greek street names (as if they ever have street signs!) and set out for a midday trek with my id and papers in hand.

So I start running down one of our main roads in the dead of the desert heat... first guy I see tries talking to me as I pass making a jogging motion speaking to me in Greek, couldn't hear him because of my ipod but it was cute. Kept running, TOTALLY almost got hit by a car, but I saved myself. So I keep running, dodging crazy Cypriot drivers, low cut trees and dripping sweat. There was soooo much construction, which caused me to have to cross more streets without crossing signs to streets that had no street signs. I finally got to where I thought I was supposed to turn and asked a lady, showing her my paper in full Greek and she goes I'm sorry I don't read Greek (what!) but she knew where the post office was and I ran right there. By that time I had been running for thrity mins and I was dripping sweat, no one said a word one english to me in the post office until "passport number & sign" with a motion to my papers. Totally didn't have my passport but the other guy pointed at my drivers license and so I put that down and crossed my fingers.

Package was in my hands! Being stubborn and testing myself I chose not to get a taxi and run home. Like I hope you can picture this, white girl, bright pink running shorts, ipod, package in hand running through the streets of Nicosia sprinting to dodge cars.... any idea how much I value a package from home?

I totally felt like forest gump by the way. It cracked me up and gave me the power to keep running. Ran one hour and three mins in the heat; 85 degrees plus there wasn't a cloud in the sky to shade me... my papers were soaked from sweat and the package was relayed home like a precious little baby and finally I got to open my package! Thank you mom for everything! I will treat everything like gold and I'm so not sharing lol made johnny's fried potatoes tonight and they were SO good! I'm going to try to make it last until December. Oh and my Grayson drawings, which I got from you and directly from "him" are already on my walls! LOVE THEM!

Love you all!

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