Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My travel to Greece, Italy and Spain.

Thursday we travel to Athens and by noon we’ll be all checked in and the rest of the day is free to do whatever we want.

Friday, morning tour of the Acropolis and the Athens Museum. Free evening

Saturday, completely free day! We plan on taking a day trip to one of the nearby islands as this provides a perfect opportunity. (Aegina, Poros, Hypdra, Spatses and Angistri were all recommended islands)

Sunday we travel to Rome! Midday we’ll be touring the Colosseum followed by a 3 hour walking tour of Rome. By 17:00 the evening will be free to do whatever we want.

Monday we stay in Rome and get a 2 hour guided tour of the Vatican Museums and a chance to see the Sistine Chapel with headsets in English included (Yey for amazing art!) By 13:30 we’re free again.

Tuesday is our opportunity to see the Pisa Tower! How cool, didn’t know about this excursion. We’ll make a stop to see David (not the real one, but one of the many replicas, this one overlooking the city). By early evening we will be in Florence with a free evening hopefully to spend with miss Tiffany Brown!

Wednesday we tour the Uffizi Gallery with our guide for two hours, but by 12:30 I’ll be free and I’d like to once again spend my time with Tiffany!

Thursday we drive to Venice! We’ll get to St. Marcos where we’ll be free to explore Venice on our own. Something about some ferries and then getting back to St. Marcos Square.

Friday, we check out and leave for Barcelona. This is when some of our group from school will go back to Cyprus. There are multiple programs with Global Semesters Abroad, so for example SIM (semester in the Mediterranean, my group) SIE (s.in Europe) and one other program. So all of these programs are going to Italy and Greece, but only my program will go to Spain; so about 18 people at first, then 9 people in just my program. So anyway, once we’re in Spain we’ll take a guided tour of Barcelona which is expected to be 3-4 hours with a free evening.

Saturday is completely free! I need to figure out what I might do… any ideas?

Sunday we travel back home!

Monday morning it’s off to CLASS! (what a concept hehe) I plan to take cultural anthropology, figure drawing, photography as a document, Greek language and culture, Pilates, and Dancer’s Body: Healthy Habits. Note, I am a genius at working my magic, 4 day weekends every weekend : ) Class only Mon-Wed. I’m considering changing out my Greek class for the History of Art or geography of europe, but we’ll see…

If you have been to these places please write me with suggestions on what to do and where to go with my free time. I’d love to hear anything you can think of… anything from a particular food to try, a club to go to, a gallery I can’t miss, etc. Email or facebook asap as I leave real soon : )


  1. What an awesome 10 days ahead of you... enjoy every minute and take everything in! Tell miss Tiffany "HI" for me

  2. When you're in Florence, go to Trattoria Antellesse on Via Faezna - very good food. If you want some amazing drinks, go to L'Art Bar on Via del Moro. Mondays and Wednesdays you can get some amazing cheap drinks.
