Friday, September 10, 2010

Είμαι σε Κύπρος! (I'm in Cyprus!)

Hi everyone!!! Thanks for reading my blog and I'm back to it until December, 2010. So I made it to Nicosia, Cyprus yesterday and I'm pretty convinced this is the closest thing to heaven on earth.

If you don't know where or what Cyprus is let me give you some quick facts. Cyprus is a island that rose out of ocean and the entire island is the country of Cyprus. The island is located off the Greek islands, south of Turkey and north of Egypt. To Europe this island is basically their vacation paradise get-a-way. I live in Nicosia, which is the last divided capital in the world. It is divided by the Greek and Turkish. There is literally a huge wall dividing the city and within the last 10 years they opened some walking gates to allowed people to travel north or south for the day and must return by night. Since then, they have opened it up to a visiting period of 3 months. The city basically has three main sections, the modern Greek Cypriot city, the old city that is also fenced in full with culture and history and the northern side that is Turkish. I will post more information on Cyprus later once I read more books and actually visit the city in the next few days. Don't expect many pictures as the guards watch for cameras and will destroy any camera and the film if they see it.

Here is a website with more info:
and here are (web) pictures:

So yesterday I flew in from a 2 day trip in London. We flew over Turkey and soon enough it was all teal blue water and then my island! The plane went over the island and did a teardrop turn over the coast exposing the white sandy beaches just outside of the city. It was absolutely gorgeous and I cannot wait to visit the beaches. We took a bus into the city and the land is fairly desolate and desert like. In ways it reminds me of eastern Washington or Arizona, yet not at all at the same time. The buildings remind me of pictures of Greece and Egypt but still its unique.

We pulled up to our apartments and they are stunning. For anyone who visited my house last year my apartment is as big as that house was. These apartments were built in 2006 and are very modern, clean, and classy. We have huge white tiles for our flooring, big fluffy couches, glass tables, and a huge balcony with a drying rack for clothes and a 4 person glass table with chairs. Pictures to come :)

I was first to arrive so I got first pick at my room and bed which is always nice. Two of my three roommates showed up last night and they are both wonderful. I'm rooming with a girl named Kassidy and she is great! She's from a small school in Missouri and she runs track for them. My other roommate grew up in California (Bay area) and Zimbabwe and now goes to school outside of California.

I got all unpacked and put some pictures up... this is home until December 20, 2010!

Oh some other funny quick stories... I NEED TO LEARN GREEK! Good thing food lables have pictures cause shopping is quite difficult. Also, I saw the most attractive man I've ever seen today, his eyes glowed! Blue, blue, BLUE eyes with tan olive skin... how lovely! haha. However, nasty old greek men = another story. It must not be odd for them to be talking, see you, stop mid sentence and just stare (yes, quite literally up and down), then once I walk past the conversation continues because this has happened multiple times! I have so many more stories but thats enough for now!

(I'll post about Germany and London shorty, sorry its out of order)

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