Monday, September 27, 2010

A glimpse into the life I've been living... Greece, Italy & Spain

Hello friends and family! I'm alive and happier than ever...

Sorry I haven't been blogging, I was in Greece, Italy and Spain the last 10 days. I don't even know how to describe my trip because I know there is no way I can possibly describe what I felt, how I was treated, what I saw and experienced... but I'll try my best. I also want to thank everyone again for all their support, this trip was so humbling and I'm so grateful for everything.

10 memorable moments… make it 11:

* Tent shopping in Pissa: I was picking up some gifts and such and I asked a vender how much for a shirt and he told me, I said I might be back for it. Everyone had the same stuff so I went back like I said I would and the other guy was helping me, but I saw the original guy and said, I'm back! And kept going with my purchase, then the original guy said something and I thought he asked where I was from and I said, from the US and his friend goes no, no... he said you're beautiful... ciao bella, so cute! So doesn't like getting told you're beautiful in 4 different languages in a matter of 10 days

* Island Hop: SOOOOO, after a long night in Athens we had a free day so we drug ourselves out of bed (only 5 people total made it) and we went to the ferry terminal to go to Hydra Island. Sure enough I walk up to the ticket office and said Hydra Island? The guy pointed and shook his hand quickly toward the ferry undocking... we literally run as fast as we can, bags in hand and we were the last 5 to sprint on with no tickets, no nothing as the huge ferry was completely untied. We were standing there panting with about 8 Greeks and finally when we were able to breathe, we go this is going to Hydra right? The worker taking ticket had big eyes and goes, no! Porros Island! Our jaws dropped because we had no idea where or what that island was but everyone laughed and the Greeks in broken English comforted us saying, beautiful island! Beautiful island! So priceless

* Hello Nude Greeks: Getting to the first beach on Porros Island the first thing we saw was old lady boobs! So not attractive!!! We all got a good laugh though, but we picked such a beautiful and local beach. The water was warm, the people were as Greek as possible and that day was one of my favorites. Moment in particular: last swim… two steps into the water and diving into the warm Mediterranean water, swimming forever because its stays so shallow. I went out all by myself and it was something I’ll never forget.

* Sunset at the Temple of Poseidon... 2 hours out of Athens on a hillside we walked up to the ruins and it was so romantic and beautiful. Huge sail boat going by, a few islands in sight, a magical and colorful sunset

* "MaMa Miaaaa!" Walking around in Athens, yes wearing the magical little black dress with friends, this VERY Italian guy came out of nowhere and got super close to my face and exclaimed, mama mia! with the typical hand gesture of an Italian... the three girls behind me and I died laughing, tears in our eyes. Something we joke about all the time… we call particular moments, Kayla Moments!

* Heart Pizza: after 8 hours on the bus traveling from Rome to Pissa to Florence, Tiffany picks me up and we walk to a local pizza joint, all the cooks are from Naples and Tiffany ordered for us in Italian. We sit down, number is called and she walks back with HUGE pizzas in the shape of a heart. She's been there about 6 times, with 2-6 girlfriends and has never seen a heart shaped pizza, I was SO impressed and happy. Not to mention it was the best pizza I've ever had in my entire life and the guys didn't charge us nearly as much as it was, "for you, only 5 euro!" :)

* Sightseeing extravaganza! All the places we visited, all the monuments and classical tourist places were breathtaking. It’s such a weird experience to study these places, hear stories and looks at pictures and then finally be standing there in person. Pretty hard to describe, but so hard to forget; I hope that everyone is able to understand that feeling one time or another during their life

* Rain storm in Rome! We were finishing a 5 hour walking tour in Rome, approaching the Trevi Fountain and it started to sprinkle… lesson learned: a sprinkle turns into a downpour in about 3.5 seconds in Italy! We threw our coins and ran through the streets of Rome, locals hiding under the store coverings we cheering on our group of about 20 dancing through the streets, people had see through clothes, running makeup, puddles in our shoes and we couldn’t have been happier.

* Venice with the girls: We took a boat into Venice and after doing so much tourist stuff we decided to get lost… “you must get lost in order to find yourself” after all. We ate pizza and drank wine sitting on a dusty little alley way for about 4 euro each, followed by a huge double stack scoop of gelato (white chocolate on top of caramel) and more wine.

* Oh Barcelona… you deserve your own page of amazing moments; by far one of the best weekends of my life, if not the very best. We just happened to be there during the La Merce Festival. Do yourself a favor and look at this for more info. I can’t even begin to start talking about this place or I won’t stop, so when I do my city to city blogs I’ll fill you in but this is a good starter….

* The people, the people, the people: I’ve met so many incredible, and scummy people on my trip… lucky for me more amazing people than scummy ones. Traveling through 6 countries in one month really makes to appreciate meeting people from all over the world. I experienced different cultures, picked up enough of each language to communicate and met wonderful people. You don’t need to know a language to understand someone trying to help you out or show appreciation. I understand we all come from really different places but we’re not that different.

(Florence at sunset)

Well I hope you got an idea of the fairytail life I've been living, wish I had better ways of sharing, aka you being here! But this will have to do.

Love and miss you all,
and you're little world traveler will be staying in one place for the next 2 weeks, well at least in the same country, then off to Greece again with a friend! Started school today, more blogs to follow! :)


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