Monday, November 1, 2010

Mom would be so proud!

Well, both mom and grandma, probably even Eric and Steph.... regardless I just made the most delicious, amazing, incredible, yummy & enjoyable spaghetti sauce ever! I asked mom for a basic recipe on how she makes hers and today after pilates I stopped at the grocery store, grabbed a few extra things, put everything together and I’ve let it sit for over 2 hours. It’s now noon and I’m eating it like I’ts soup! And being a typical Aspelund I’ve made enough for an army! Spaghetti for weeks! And cole, it made me think of you when I was dipping bread into the pan, mom always used to let us do that… well she still does! Haha.

Just a small little side story, but one that made my day that much better… I’ve had a lot of that recently. If I’ve learned nothing more throughout my life it’s that the little things bring me the most joy, you don’t have to do much to make a person’s day a little bit better. Lately all it’s taken is a quick email, an unexpected skype call, shoot even two nights ago I was running our trail and a group of old Greek men were walking along in their cute little hats and suits and I got a quick thumbs up with a “bravo!!!” from the one closest to me. So to everyone who has contributed to a small moment of happiness that in turn creates a lifetime of happiness, thank you : )

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