Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We're going to conquer the world

you better believe it!

(outside the school gym, one of the stops)

These are the wonderful girls I went on the scavenger hunt with! If you don't know anything about this, basically the last 5 days we've been learning about Cyprus in various ways and today we were dropped off in the middle of downtown Nicosia to complete a scavenger hunt and find our way back home on our own... really to test how much we know with a goal of us becoming completely independant in our new home city.

In groups of four we had to visit certain places, photograph it, translate text, give prices of things, find current exchange rates, list common phone numbers, etc. We felt like we were in the amazing race! Even in our taxi, we explained the game to him and he was racing over to the church we had to take a picture in front of. He was included in our picture! haha. I think we did really well, but my feet were crying and I was so hot and sweaty after running around for about 3 hours! Winner, with the most tasks and questions completed wins a free dinner at a traditional greek place.

Now that you conquered the city of Nicosia, we're off to Greece, Italy and Spain! Louie and I will be back home in 10 days :)

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