Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Real School.... WHAT!

So I just finished my first week of classes and I absolutely love my classes. I'm taking Cultural Anthropology, Pilates, Yoga, Figure Drawing, Photography as a document & History of Art.

Cultural Anthropology is SO interesting. It's twice a week (1.5 hrs each class) and my roommate is actually in the class too. About 25 students and already with today's lecture I can't wait to learn more. We learn what anthropology is in detail and then move onto other topics.

Pilates and Yoga are both one credit courses listed under the dance department. Pilates is Monday morning for an hour with about 12 people, one GLS (my study abroad group) girl is in it too. That was actually the first class I went to and it was so funny. There you have Jade and I, light hair and super blue eyes speaking English.... we were such outsiders! Lucky for us our teacher speaks really good English. Yoga was a little more intense. Two hours every Tuesday and its only 6 people, located in the dance studio with all dance majors. The teacher had to teach in both English and Greek but my body felt so good after that two hour session... not to mention today as I can feel every muscle just a little bit sore. Both these classes we're also learning theory and history which I'm pretty excited about.

Figure Drawing.... oh drawing. So if you didn't know, I have a history of HATING drawing classes. Well my getting my Bachelor of Fine Arts, not a photography major so I learn all the arts. It's difficult to get dropped into a drawing class with drawing majors that don't need to be taught how to draw and have skills I can only dream about. But hey, according to everyone, I guess I have to graduate. SOOOOO, here I am signed up for an advanced drawing class. I actually have really high hopes for this class. The teacher clearly has some connection to the US, which is nice because not everyone is so open to Americans, and she also grades off of just your improvement within your portfolio, unlike at UA. Every class, 3hrs long one a week, we'll have a live model. She said it will be pretty exhausting and I don't question that, but if all goes well I'll be drawing nude people no problem by December!

Photography as a document: might be the most important class I take here. I didn't know anything about the class besides its title when I signed up. This class is a lot of photography history & theory (which I love, and totally wish the average non-art student could observe) and then there is also a practical part of it as well. I'm trying not to get overwhelmed by the practical part and producing work. It will be more documentary than fine art which means a lot of research and interviewing.... hints where I get stuck, I don't speak Greek! But this will be a great class, its the last class their seniors take and a pre-masters class. The professor is finishing his PhD and is incredibly knowledgeable. I'm very excited! Oh and we meet once a week for 3 hrs.

History of Art: is a little up in the air. During orientation we listened to an art history professor and she spoke really well so I wanted to take her course. However, there are university courses and GLS courses. I'm in all university courses with local students, except I just traded my 8am** university course for the GLS section and now I have Friday class (dun dun dun) but there are only 2 kids in the GLS class so it might turn into an independent study type of class. Who knows, but I don't so I'll address that later!

To say the least, I love my classes and I have high hopes for this semester. It is a nice change of pace from the US too... less stress on grades and getting a certain certification but rather a strong interest in education as absurd as that sounds. I hope to gain a lot from these classes and I’m really excited.

Also, tomorrow I’m going to look into clubs and possible an on campus job. They have fitness clubs such as yoga, dance, basketball and outdoor club free of charge. I could use some extra food money and such so I’m going to see if it’s possible to get a job as well.

So that’s what is new at the moment. I’m still catching up on all kinds of stuff (scholarship apps, letters to UA, email, UA classes for the spring, photos, etc) but I will write about my trip in detail as soon as I get the time, I promise!

Love and miss you all! And by miss I mean you come here cause I'm not leaving until I have to! ;)


ps: If anyone out there loves me please send me a box of Kraft mac & cheese.... Simple pleasures <3

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