Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Great night...

I just had the best evening tonight! For my communications 470 class we went to an art opening instead of having lecture and critique. I obviously don't have a car so I asked my friend Afet if she could take me, she's the only one who really tried talking to me outside of class. Cypriots in general are very closed off towards outsiders. I don't want to say mean, but very culturally different.

Afet was worried about getting lost so we ended up joining two other from class and all three of them totally surprised me tonight. They tried really hard to speak only in English and if they spoke in Greek to others they wouldn't leave me out. They all knew my name (which surprised me) and asked about Seattle and America, shoot I even promised them a snowman which was hilarious. So there we were; two Greek Cypriots, one Turkish Cypriot and me... riding in the car blasting her favorite music (all American) and singing together.

The art gallery was nice, we hung out there for a short while and made small talk, joking and having a good time. The ride back was just as eventful and they were so sweet, dropped me off right in front of my apartment. It's really too bad I couldn't have an experience like this sooner, but hey... tonight made me school experience. They made sure I would be there next week and I assured them I would, last class! Hopefully we will find each other on facebook like we talked about, but regardless it was a night to remember for me, even if it was nothing to them.

Thanks for the evening Cyprus, our time is coming to a close and everything around me is making this a bitter sweet experience...

~12 days and counting~

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